Our Book Club Is Currently Reading:

Augustown by Kei Miller

Ma Taffy may be blind but she sees everything. So when her great-nephew Kaia comes home from school in tears, what she senses sends a deep fear running through her. While they wait for his mama to come home from work, Ma Taffy recalls the story of the flying preacherman and a great thing that did not happen. A poor suburban sprawl in the Jamaican heartland, Augustown is a place where many things that should happen don’t, and plenty of things that shouldn’t happen do. For the story of Kaia leads back to another momentous day in Jamaican history, the birth of the Rastafari and the desire for a better life.

Augustown by Kei Miller

How To Join Our Book Club

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Rebel Women Lit is an open literary community based in Jamaica with members around the world. It’s very easy to join us:
Read the book of the month & come to our meetups (happening online and in-person)

We’re interested in the narratives from Caribbean, black, and historically marginalised genders, and queer people. We highly encourage our members to read books that speak on human conditions in critical and original ways.

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“Stories are political and literature is vital to the ways we re-present our world for others.”

Jherane Patmore Rebel Women Lit